Tamar Energy
Energy from Waste, Hydrolysis and Anaerobic Digestion Plant
As a leading UK renewable energy business, Tamar Energy strives for the best in class solutions in every aspect of their business. Handel Rating Consultancy were instructed to ensure that the substantial operating cost imposed by business rates was not prohibitive at their first hydrolysis AD plant which uses the latest generation technology.
HRC advised a proactive strategy of engagement with the rates authorities as the best approach, and entered into detailed discussions with the Valuation Officer’s mineral valuer.
HRC delivered a competitive rates liability below the business plan budget figure at the point of completion of all commissioning, thus ensuring the rates charges could be considered ‘right first time’, avoiding any overpayments or lengthy appeal delays.
Significant discounts were obtained on account of the characteristics and usage particular to the site, which have the potential to save Tamar Energy at least £300,000 over the life of the plant.
HRC also ensured that no rates were due at all until the plant was at full capacity.